How to Start Mint Cultivation Business (Pudina) – Information Guide

Do you want to start mint cultivation? If you are interested in starting this farming, read this article to understand the profitability, benefits, and various steps associated with starting mint farming popularly called pudina locally.

Mint is one of the most profitable herbs to grow. You can cultivate mint on a small and large scale according to the availability of land. The high-yield variety gives more profit in mint cultivation. The major potential is its aroma and culinary use.

Mints belong to the genus Mentha, in the family Labiatae (Lamiaceae). The botanical name is Mentha arvensis, Mentha Citrita. Peppermint is a summer-growing perennial with upright, usually purplish, smooth stems growing to 1 m in height.

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World production is more than 4,000 metric tons per year. The USA accounts for 80 % of this and, in addition, is an importer and re-exported. The USA mint produces an average of 25 tons of herbage and 78,3 kg oil per ha at a 0,3 % oil recovery rate. Mint is also cultivated in Canada, Europe, Britain, Australia, Tasmania, Japan, Africa, and New Zealand. The Asian continent also produces mint oil with India and China as the largest of these producers.

Is Mint Cultivation Business Profitable?

The mint has huge commercial value. Therefore, the applications are in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, confectionery, and other products.

In addition to the utility, demand, and profits, which adds to the merit of the crop is the 90-day time period within which the crop gets ready.

Furthermore, You can cultivate it in the gap between the Rabi (wheat or potatoes) and Kharif crop (rice), and farmers reap the ‘bonus’ from the cash crop that comes in addition to the traditional food crops.

The crop doesn’t require any fertilizers and has no adverse effect on the soil. Blue bulls and cattle, which are a constant threat to every other crop, do not affect mint.

Finally, the oil-extracting process is also easy. You can set up your distillation unit. It is affordable.

Health Benefits of Mint

Mint is a great appetizer or palate cleanser. It promotes digestion.

The aroma of mint activates the salivary glands in our mouth which secrete digestive enzymes, thereby facilitating digestion.

Again, the strong and refreshing aroma of mint is a quick and effective remedy for nausea.

It helps in respiratory disorders. The strong aroma of mint is very effective in clearing up congestion of the nose, throat, bronchi, and lungs.

Regular use of mint is very beneficial for asthma patients. Hence, it is a good relaxant and relieves congestion.

Several pain balms use mint extracts as the main ingredient in their products. That is because when the mint extract is used in an area that is hurting, it immediately provides a cooling effect, causing the area to partially become numb.

Mint reduces memory loss.

Finally, the mint aroma helps in reducing depression and stress.

Best Varieties For Mint Cultivation

The four most commonly cultivated varieties are:

  • Japanese Mint/Menthol Mint (M.arvensis)
  • Peppermint (M.piperita)
  • Spearmint (M. Spicata)
  • Bergamot mint (M. Citrata)

Different other varieties are Hybrid-77, Shivalik, EC-41911, Gomti, Himalaya, Kosi, Saksham, Kushal, etc.

Agro-Climatic Condition Requirement for Mint Cultivation

You can cultivate Japanese mint both in tropical and subtropical areas. The temperature is ideal between 20-400 C during the major part of the growing period. In addition. the rainfall between 100-110 cm. (light showers at the planting stage and ample sunshine at the time of harvesting) is perfect for its cultivation.

Well-drained loam or sandy loam soils rich in organic matter having a pH between 6 and 8.2 are ideally suited for its cultivation. You can cultivate mint in both red and black soil. In the case of acidic soil having a pH of less than 5.5, liming is recommended.

Suitable Soil For Mint Cultivation

Peppermint grows well in most soil types. It includes heavy and moist soils if drainage is sufficient. On lands that are underwater in winter, it will not perform vigorously and plants may even die off.

In conclusion, the best soils are deep, well-drained, rich in humus, and with good moisture retention. Finally, you must collect soil samples for analysis to determine base fertility levels before mint plantation.

Mint Cultivation As Pot Culture

  • Mint is easy to grow in pots.
  • Choose a location where your plant receives morning sun and afternoon shade.
  • Locate mint plant 15″ apart
  • Also, you can use soilless potting mixes, perlite, vermiculite, rock wool, coco peat, and Oasis Rootcubes.
  • Harvest mint sprigs before the plant flowers.
  • While you are planting in a garden bed, apply mulch.
  • In conclusion, you can grow both peppermint and spearmint indoors satisfactorily under standard fluorescent lamps.

8 Steps to Start Mint (Pudina) Cultivation

1. Choose the Right Variety

Select the appropriate mint variety based on your climate, soil conditions, and market demand. Common varieties of mint include peppermint, spearmint, and menthol mint. Consider factors such as flavour profile, yield potential, and resistance to pests and diseases when choosing the variety for cultivation.

2. Land Preparation

Analyze the soil at a laboratory. It will make you sure about mineral deficiencies and excesses, organic status, and carbon ratios. You must know the PH balance. You must maintain soil fertility levels in acceptable ranges before starting a soil-building program.

Correct the soil pH according to analysis and soil type. In addition, you must plan for fertilization according to whether the crop will be grown organically or organically. Apply suitable soil preparation practices according to the farming operation. Such as rip, plough, disc, harrow, contour, etc.

3. Planting

You can plant 40 to 90 cm between rows and 15 to 45 cm within rows lightly covered with soil. This practice will give a total of 55,000 to 75,000 plants per ha. It covers the soil quickly. You can continue the plantation for about 3 to 5 years. It depends on cultivation, soil, and climatic factors. However, the best yields are obtained from the second year.

4. Manuring

You must apply proper fertilization in mint cultivation to achieve a good crop. Hence, nitrogen fertilization is essential for foliage stimulation and improving the flavour and quality of the oil.

Fertilizer rates are generally high to allow good vegetal growth and development of the maximum number of leaves. In conclusion, frequent nitrogen applications are required throughout the growing season to maintain soil fertility.

5. Irrigation

Peppermint requires frequent and adequate irrigation. It is used to supplement rainfall. When the plants are fully developed they are watered at least three times a week.

It is important to keep the soil constantly moist, although well-drained. The crop has high water demands in summer. Consequently, you must take care to prevent waterlogged soil, especially in winter, as this will influence growth.

6. Weed Control

You must maintain weed control Programmes strictly. You must take care of harvesting to avoid the inclusion of weeds. Because it could result in volatile compounds in extracting and reducing the oil quality. You must remove annual grasses. In conclusion, perennial weeds are sometimes a bigger problem.

7. Pest Control

Most pests are troublesome on older mint fields, especially nematodes. Never use rootstocks from old lands for planting new lands. As a result, it can introduce pest problems into the new lands. You must adopt natural pest control measures as the first choice.

Follow a pest management program. Furthermore, early detection and management of pest problems can prevent major problems. Correct identification of pests and natural beneficial predators is essential.

8. Harvesting and Post-Harvest Management

Mint leaves can be harvested once the plants reach maturity, typically after 60 to 90 days of planting. Harvest the mint leaves early in the morning when the essential oil content is highest for maximum flavour and aroma. Trim the mint stems just above the leaf nodes to encourage regrowth. Properly dry and store the harvested mint leaves to preserve their freshness and quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ideal climate for mint cultivation?

Mint thrives in temperate climates with moderate temperatures and adequate sunlight. However, it can also be grown in subtropical and tropical regions with proper irrigation and soil management.

What is the yield per acre in mint cultivation?

You can obtain approximately 150 kg of Oil per hectare during the first year. Under good management, you can get subsequently 200 – 250 kg per hectare from mint cultivation.

How long does it take for mint plants to reach maturity?

Mint plants typically reach maturity within 60 to 90 days after planting. However, this timeline may vary depending on factors such as variety, growing conditions, and cultivation practices.

What are the common pests and diseases affecting mint plants?

Common pests that affect mint plants include aphids, spider mites, and mint rust. Diseases such as powdery mildew and leaf spot can also occur. Implementing proper pest and disease management strategies is essential to maintain crop health.

What are the primary uses of mint leaves?

Mint leaves are widely used in culinary applications for flavouring teas, beverages, salads, and desserts. They are also used in medicinal preparations, aromatherapy, and cosmetic products for their refreshing aroma and therapeutic properties.

How often should mint plants be watered?

Mint plants have high water requirements and should be watered regularly to keep the soil consistently moist. During hot weather, mint may require more frequent watering to prevent wilting and dehydration.

Can mint be grown indoors or in containers?

Yes, mint can be successfully grown indoors or in containers, making it an ideal option for urban gardeners or those with limited outdoor space. Choose a well-draining potting mix and provide adequate sunlight for optimal growth.

Are there any organic methods for pest control in mint cultivation?

Yes, several organic methods can be used for pest control in mint cultivation, including the use of beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, natural predators of common pests like aphids and spider mites. Additionally, neem oil, insecticidal soap, and botanical extracts can be used as eco-friendly alternatives to chemical pesticides.

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