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Top 12 Legitimate Micro Job Sites for Earning Money

Thanks to the rise of micro job websites, earning money online has never been easier in the modern digital era. From the comfort of their homes, these platforms allow people to demonstrate their abilities, knowledge, and skills to a worldwide audience. Micro job websites can be a profitable option to consider if you’re a student, a stay-at-home mom, or a freelancer trying to make some additional money. In this article, we have listed down some of the top micro job websites that you can consider earning money online.

What are Micro Jobs?

Micro jobs refer to small, task-based assignments or gigs that individuals can complete online to earn money. These tasks typically require minimal time and effort and cover a wide range of activities. It ranges from simple data entry and online surveys to graphic design, transcription, and virtual assistance. Micro jobs are often offered through specialized platforms or websites that connect freelancers with clients seeking short-term assistance with specific tasks.

These tasks are called “micro” because they can be completed quickly. Sometimes in just a few minutes or hours, and typically pay a small amount, ranging from a few cents to a few dollars per task. While the earnings from individual micro jobs may seem modest, they can add up over time, especially for individuals who dedicate significant time and effort to completing multiple tasks.

How Micro Job Sites Works?

Micro job sites, also known as microtask platforms or crowdsourcing platforms, connect individuals seeking short-term, task-based work with clients or businesses in need of specific services. Here’s how they typically work:


Users interested in offering their services or completing tasks on a micro job site must first register for an account. This usually involves providing basic personal information and creating a profile that highlights their skills, expertise, and experience.

Browse and Post Jobs

Once registered, users can browse through a marketplace of available tasks or jobs posted by clients or businesses. These tasks can vary widely in nature, ranging from data entry and transcription to graphic design, programming, and virtual assistance.

Bid or Apply

Depending on the platform, users may need to bid on tasks by submitting proposals outlining their qualifications, proposed timeline, and pricing. Alternatively, some platforms allow users to apply directly for tasks that match their skills and interests.

Task Completion

Once hired for a task, users must complete the work according to the client’s specifications and requirements. This may involve communicating with the client, submitting drafts or samples for review, and making revisions as necessary until the task is completed to the client’s satisfaction.


Upon successful completion of the task, the client typically releases payment to the user through the micro job platform’s payment system. Payment may be based on a fixed price agreed upon in advance or calculated based on the time and effort required to complete the task.

Feedback and Ratings

After completing a task, both the client and the user may have the opportunity to leave feedback and ratings for each other. Positive feedback and high ratings can help build a user’s reputation and credibility on the platform, making them more attractive to future clients.

Dispute Resolution

In case of disputes or issues with task completion or payment, micro job platforms often provide dispute resolution mechanisms to help resolve conflicts fairly and impartially.

12 Micro Job Sites That Help to Make Money Online

1. Fiverr


Fiverr connects businesses with freelancers offering digital services in 500+ categories. This popular job platform was founded by Micha Kaufman and Shai Wininger. Some of the popular services offered on Fiverr are writing, web development, translation, graphic design, and video editing. The service offered in this job platform is called a “gig”. The charges start from $5 to thousands of dollars depending on the experience and work.

Read: Best Online Jobs from Home

2. Upwork


Upwork is a comprehensive freelancing platform that caters to a wide range of skill sets. It includes web development, virtual assistance, translation, and more. Freelancers can create profiles, bid on projects, and collaborate with clients on long-term assignments, making it a go-to platform for professional freelancers.

3. Freelancer


Freelancer is another popular micro job website that connects freelancers with clients seeking various services. It includes writing, design, coding, and data entry. Freelancers can compete in contests, bid on projects, and build their portfolios to attract potential clients.

4. PeoplePerHour

people per hour microjob site

PeoplePerHour is a UK-based platform that focuses on connecting freelancers with businesses for project-based work. The platform has a user-friendly interface and transparent pricing model, PeoplePerHour offers freelancers the flexibility to set their rates and showcase their skills to a global clientele.

Read: Top Survey Sites in India 

5. Guru

guru microjob site is a versatile platform that caters to freelancers across industries. It includes programming, design, writing, and administrative support. Freelancers can create profiles, showcase their expertise, and bid on projects, while clients can browse through portfolios and reviews to find the right fit for their needs.

6. TaskRabbit


TaskRabbit specializes in offering local services like cleaning, handyman tasks, moving assistance, and more. Users can browse through a variety of tasks posted by clients in their area and apply to complete them for a fee. It is an ideal platform for individuals looking to earn money through hands-on tasks.

7. Amazon Mechanical Turk

amazon mechanical turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is a crowdsourcing platform that allows individuals to perform small tasks, known as Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs), for a fee. Tasks range from data entry and transcription to content moderation and surveys, offering a flexible way to earn money online.

8. Clickworker


Clickworker is a micro job platform that offers a variety of tasks, including text creation, data categorization, web research, and more. Freelancers can choose tasks based on their interests and skills, with payment varying depending on the complexity and time required to complete each task. The company is based in USA and Germany and the workforce is located in 136 countries. There are more than 3.6 million Clickworkers at present.

9. Microworkers


Microworkers is a crowdsourcing platform that connects businesses with freelancers for small-scale tasks, such as website testing, app downloads, and social media engagement. Freelancers can earn money by completing tasks accurately and efficiently, with payments processed through various withdrawal options. Microworkers started offering micro-jobs began in 2009.

10. Zeerk


Zeerk is a micro job marketplace that caters to freelancers offering services in areas like writing, design, marketing, and programming. With its straightforward platform and competitive pricing, Zeerk provides freelancers with the opportunity to showcase their skills and connect with clients worldwide.

11. Appen


Appen earlier was named Figure Eight. This popular micro job platform took registrations from partnership sites. At present, they are directly recruiting workers and clients online. Appen was founded in the year 1996 and has customers and workers across the globe. There is a wide range of micro-tasks offered on this job platform. It includes data analysis, data entry, annotations, research jobs, online content review, and more.

12. Rapidworkers


Rapidworkers is a crowdsourcing service similar to Microworkers. The company is owned by Unikscripts, Inc., and started its operation in the year 2009. As a worker, you can be asked to do micro tasks like submitting sites to search engines, Digg websites, posts on social media platforms, post reviews, and much more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are micro job websites legitimate ways to earn money online?

Yes, micro job websites are legitimate platforms where freelancers offer their services and clients hire them for various tasks. However, it’s essential to research and choose reputable platforms to ensure a positive experience.

How much can I earn from micro job websites?

Earnings from micro job websites vary depending on factors such as the type of services offered, the quality of work, demand for your skills, and the amount of time you invest. Some freelancers earn a part-time income, while others generate substantial revenue by offering specialized services.

Do I need to pay to join micro job websites?

Most micro job websites allow freelancers to sign up and create profiles for free. However, they may charge a commission or service fee on completed transactions or offer premium membership options with additional benefits.

What type of skills are in demand on micro job websites?

The demand for skills on micro job websites varies widely, ranging from graphic design, writing, and programming to administrative support, data entry, and digital marketing. It’s essential to identify your strengths and expertise and target services that align with market demand.

How do I get paid on micro job websites?

Payment methods vary depending on the platform and may include PayPal, bank transfer, Payoneer, Skrill, or other online payment processors. Some platforms also offer alternative payment options such as gift cards or cryptocurrency.

Are there any age or location restrictions for joining micro job websites?

While many micro job websites are open to users worldwide, some platforms may have age restrictions or specific country limitations due to legal and regulatory requirements. It’s essential to review the terms of service and eligibility criteria before signing up.

Can I work on multiple micro job websites simultaneously?

Yes, freelancers often work on multiple micro job websites to maximize their earning potential and access a broader range of clients and projects. However, it’s crucial to manage your workload effectively and maintain quality standards across all platforms.

How can I build a successful profile on micro job websites?

To create a compelling profile, showcase your skills, experience, and portfolio of work relevant to the services you offer. Use clear, concise descriptions, high-quality images, and positive client reviews to attract potential clients and stand out from the competition.

What are the risks of working on micro job websites?

While micro job websites offer opportunities for freelancers to earn money online, they also come with risks such as payment disputes, unreliable clients, and fluctuating demand for services. It’s essential to exercise caution, communicate effectively with clients, and prioritize platforms with strong customer support and dispute-resolution mechanisms.

Are there any tips for success on micro job websites?

Some tips for success include specializing in a niche, delivering high-quality work, building a strong reputation through positive client feedback, networking with other freelancers, and staying updated on industry trends and best practices. Additionally, maintaining professionalism, meeting deadlines, and providing excellent customer service can help you build long-term relationships with clients and secure repeat business.

About Next What Business Research Team

The Editorial Staffs at NextWhatBusiness is a team of Business Consultants with years of experience in small and medium-scale manufacturing and service-based businesses.