For every small and big business having a website is a must. To use your website as an effective marketing tool it should be a hub of huge updated information. It should clearly represent who you are and what you exactly do. Regardless you are in the manufacturing, retail, or service industry, a business website is a must nowadays.
Additionally, if you want to start an eCommerce or online shopping site you must have your own website. A business website can be an effective marketing tool in generating leads and clients and building reputation and credibility. Here I put some information about how to create a website as an effective marketing tool.
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10 Tips To Create a Website As An Effective Marketing Tool
1. Choose the Right Domain Name
A domain name represents the company’s brand name and identity on the online platform. To get a web presence as an effective marketing tool your domain name should be simple, easy to spell and remember, and relevant to your company.
Read: How to Name a Business
2. Right Hosting
This is also a crucial aspect of creating a website as an effective marketing tool. The host makes your site visible on the web. So select a hosting plan carefully.
3. Use the Right Theme
Selecting the right theme for your website is hugely important. A specific theme for the beauty retail industry like a salon is not perfect for a travel agency company or a yoga studio. So you must buy the right theme that fits most with your product and business operations.
4. Create a Personality
Most internet visitors are not on the hunt for in-depth technical product knowledge. They quickly search for experts whom they can trust in decision-making. By adding photos, videos, and informative content you can build a relationship with your potential consumers.
5. Your Website Must Have A Blog
To convert your website into an effective marketing tool, don’t miss to add a blog to your website. There are a ton of blogging platforms out there to choose from, but you need to find one that will work for you and the content you are creating right when you are adding a blog.
Though there are plenty of platforms like Blogger, Medium, Tumblr, Drupal, Joomla, Square Space, TypePad, etc, my favorite is WordPress.
6. Updated Right Content
You should keep your business website updated with relevant content on a regular basis. Before getting into content determine your target niche. To get your website as an effective marketing tool content should acknowledge a problem that’s currently being faced in your industry, mentioning how you’ve been able to take care of that problem for your clients.
7. Choose the Right Keyword and Meta Description
Choosing the right keywords and putting them into meta descriptions is important to get your business website ranked in the search engines properly.
Choose keywords on the basis of how your customers would think or search for your products or services. Google offers a free keyword tool that will help you discover the keywords that people are searching for and the amount of competition for those keywords.
8. Keep Your Site SEO Optimized
If you type on Google ‘ small manufacturing business ideas’, you will find on the first page of Google. So, this site attracts a huge targetted audience on google. Accordingly, you must keep your site SEO friendly. So google can fetch your site on the first page on searching with your targetted keywords.
9. Use Payment Gateway
This is an extremely helpful tool for startup entrepreneurs. You can ask your visitor to order your product with an instant payment solution. All payment gateways have an initial setup cost and then charge a small percentage of the transaction. Few have an annual maintenance cost (AMC) as well.
Related: Top Payment Gateway Service Providers in India
10. Take Advantage of Social Media Icons
Social media icons like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are free to install and use. These allow users to connect with you socially if they want. For people who like to get their information through social media, it is an effective option.
To take advantage of social media you need to incorporate a deliberate mixture of listening to your audience, sharing your relevant message, and enabling others to share their relevant messages.
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