NABARD Dairy Entrepreneurship Subsidy Scheme – Comprehensive Guide

nabard dairy subsidy scheme guide

Dairy farming is a lucrative venture in India. It plays a crucial role in India’s agricultural ecosystem. To promote dairy entrepreneurship and support farmers, the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) offers various subsidy schemes. In this guide, we’ll delve into the details of the NABARD Dairy Subsidy Scheme and provide a comprehensive overview for aspiring dairy farmers.

What is the NABARD Dairy Entrepreneurship Subsidy Scheme

The NABARD Dairy Farming Subsidy Scheme aims to encourage dairy farming as a sustainable livelihood option in rural areas. It provides financial assistance to farmers for establishing and modernizing dairy farms, procuring dairy animals, and adopting advanced dairy farming practices.

Eligibility Criteria for Receiving Nabard Subsidy

pic of a dairy unit

To avail of the subsidy under the NABARD Dairy Farming Scheme, farmers must meet certain eligibility criteria. These may include:

  • Being a resident of India and engaged in dairy farming.
  • Possessing suitable land for setting up a dairy farm.
  • Having necessary infrastructure such as sheds, milking equipment, and storage facilities.

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Subsidy Components of NABARD Subsidy

The subsidy provided under the NABARD Dairy Farming Scheme covers various components, including:

  • Procurement of Dairy Animals: Farmers can avail of subsidies for purchasing high-yielding dairy animals such as cows and buffaloes.
  • Infrastructure Development: Subsidy is available for constructing or renovating dairy sheds, installing milking machines, and setting up fodder storage facilities.
  • Training and Capacity Building: NABARD supports farmers by organizing training programs on modern dairy farming practices, cattle management, and fodder cultivation.

Application Process to Get NABARD Subsidy

Farmers interested in availing of the subsidy under the NABARD Dairy Farming Scheme need to follow a structured application process. This typically involves:

  • Contact the nearest NABARD branch or agricultural department for detailed information and application forms.
  • Submitting the required documents, including proof of identity, land documents, project proposal, and estimates of the proposed dairy farm setup.
  • Fulfilling any additional requirements specified by NABARD or the concerned authorities.

Key Benefits of NABARD Subsidy

The NABARD Dairy Farming Subsidy Scheme offers several benefits to farmers, including:

  • Financial Assistance: Subsidy helps in reducing the initial investment and operational costs associated with dairy farming.
  • Improved Livelihood: Dairy farming offers a stable source of income and employment opportunities for rural communities.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Adoption of modern dairy farming practices and high-yielding breeds leads to increased milk production and higher profits.

Conclusion: The NABARD Dairy Farming Subsidy Scheme plays a pivotal role in promoting dairy entrepreneurship and rural development in India. By providing financial assistance and technical support, NABARD empowers farmers to adopt sustainable dairy farming practices and improve their livelihoods. Aspiring dairy farmers are encouraged to explore the opportunities offered under this scheme and take advantage of the benefits to establish successful dairy enterprises.

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What are the Objectives of the NABARD Dairy Entrepreneurship Subsidy?

In addition to milk, the manure from animals provides a good source of organic matter for improving soil fertility and crop yields. The gobar gas from the dung is used as fuel for domestic purposes as well as for running engines for drawing water from the well.

The surplus fodder and agricultural by-products are gainfully utilized for feeding the animals. Objectives of NABARD dairy farming subsidy include:

  • First of all, to generate self-employment and provide infrastructure for the dairy sector
  • To set up modern dairy farms and infrastructure for the production of clean milk
  • In addition, it encourages heifer calf rearing for conservation and development of good breeding stock.
  • To bring structural changes in the unorganized sector, so that initial processing of milk can be taken up at the village level.
  • To upgrade traditional technology to handle milk on a commercial scale. Additionally, it provides value addition to milk through the processing and production of milk products.

Who can Apply for the Nabard Dairy Farm Subsidy Scheme?

Farmers, Individual Entrepreneurs, and Groups of Unorganized and Organized Sector. A group of organized sectors, including Self-Help Groups on behalf of their members, Dairy Cooperative Societies, Milk unions on behalf of their members, Milk federations, Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRls), etc are eligible under the scheme.

  • An applicant will be eligible to avail assistance for all components under the scheme but only once for each component.
  • More than one member of a family can assist under the scheme provided they set up separate units with separate infrastructure at different locations. The distance between the boundaries of two such farms should be at least 5OO m.

List of Various NABARD Dairy Farming Subsidy Schemes

  • Establishment of Dairy: Establishment of small dairy units with crossbred cows/ indigenous description milch cows like Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Gir, Rathi, etc / graded buffaloes of up to 10 animals.
  • Rearing of Calves: Cross-bred, indigenous description milch breeds of cattle and graded buffaloes.
  • Organic Manure: Vermicompost (with a milch animal unit . To be considered with milch animals and not separately ).
  • Milking Machine: Purchase of milking machines /milk testers/bulk milk cooling units (up to 2000 lit capacity).
  • Dairy Equipment: Purchase of dairy processing equipment for the manufacture of indigenous milk products.
  • Transportation and Cold Chain: Establishment of dairy product transportation facilities and cold chain.
  • Cold Storage: Cold storage facilities for milk and milk products.
  • Veterinary Clinic: Establishment of private veterinary clinics.
  • Dairy Parlour: Dairy marketing outlet/ Dairy parlour.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can farmers apply for the subsidy under the NABARD Dairy Farming Scheme?

Farmers interested in availing of the subsidy need to contact the nearest NABARD branch or agricultural department for detailed information and application forms. They must then submit the required documents and fulfil any additional requirements specified by NABARD or the concerned authorities.

What are the benefits of the NABARD Dairy Entrepreneurship Subsidy Scheme?

The scheme offers several benefits including financial assistance to reduce initial investment and operational costs, improved livelihood through stable income and employment opportunities, and enhanced productivity through the adoption of modern farming practices and high-yielding breeds.

Is there any training provided under the NABARD Dairy Farming Subsidy Scheme?

Yes, NABARD organizes training programs on modern dairy farming practices, cattle management, and fodder cultivation to support farmers in adopting advanced techniques and improving productivity.

Are there any specific documentation requirements for availing of the subsidy?

Yes, farmers need to submit documents such as proof of identity, land documents, project proposal, and estimates of the proposed dairy farm setup along with their application for availing the subsidy.

Is the subsidy provided directly to the farmers or through financial institutions?

The subsidy is generally provided through financial institutions such as banks, cooperative societies, or dairy development agencies, which disburse the funds to eligible farmers based on the approved project proposals.


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