How to Start a TMT Bar Manufacturing Business
TMT stands for the thermo-mechanical treatment of bars. TMT rod or TMT bar manufacturing is a medium or large-scale operation. It is a highly profitable business depending on the manufacturing technology you are using. In this article, we intend to explore how to start a TMT rolling mill or TMT bar manufacturing business.
You can categorize TMT bars as new-generation-high-strength steel having superior properties. This includes weldability, strength, ductility, and bendability meeting the highest quality standards at the international level.
Under thermo-mechanical treatment of bars, the steel bars are made to pass through a specially designed water-cooling system. Here, these are kept for such a period that the outer surface of the bars becomes colder while the core remains hot.
This creates a temperature gradient in the bars. When the bars come out of the cooling system, the heat flows from the core to the outer surface. It causes further tempering of steel bars thereby helping them in attaining higher yield strength of steel. TMT steel bar is a newer variety of steel for construction purposes.
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Why TMT Bar Manufacturing is Profitable Business?
Some of the better quality issues have made TMT bars more popular in the construction industry. These are better ductility and malleability, high yield strength and toughness, more bonding strength, earthquake resistance, corrosion resistance, high thermal resistance, and economical and safe in use.
You will find no loss in strength at welded joints and ordinary electrode welding for the joints. Currently, their demand in the market and capacities are increasing continuously. India is currently the world’s fourth-largest producer of crude steel after China, Japan, and the US. We can expect steel production growth to reach 200 million tons by 2020 as compared to 71 million tonnes recorded last year
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In addition, there is the New Industrial Policy from the Government of India. It has opened up the iron and steel sector for private investment by removing it from the list of industries reserved for the public sector. Furthermore, the policy exempts it from compulsory licensing. Imports of foreign technology, as well as foreign direct investments, are freely permitted up to certain limits under an automatic route.
5 Steps to Start a TMT Manufacturing Business
1. Registration & License Required For TMT Bar Manufacturing
This type of manufacturing operation attracts many different types of registration and licenses from different Govt. agency. Sometimes it differs according to the form of organization and investment raised by the manufacturing company. It is advisable to check your state laws and consult with the right person before taking the initiative. Here, we have listed some of the general criteria.
- Registration of the firm with ROC. According to the management pattern and investment ratio, choose the right form of business organization.
- Obtain a Trade License from the local authority.
- Apply for Udyog Aadhaar MSME online registration. If your project comes under the ceiling.
- Apply for BIS certification
- Apply for NOC from the Pollution Control Board
- Obtain ISO Certification
- Apply for GST Registration
2. TMT Bar Manufacturing Plant Setup & Machinery
Generally, you can establish a TMT bar manufacturing plant in a fully automatic manner. Depending upon the manufacturing technology and desired output, you must procure the rolling mill machinery. You may produce other ancillary products like I-beams, joists, hexagonal, channels, strips, etc. from the same unit.
Some of the common machinery is Roughing Mill, and Intermediate Mill 3. Stand, Intermediate Mill 4. Stand, Conti. Finishing Mill 4. Stand, Rotary Dividing Fly Shear With Pinch Roll, TMT System for Strength Bar, Twin Channel, Cooling Bed, Re-Heating Furnace, CNC Notching and roll Branding Machine, Cranes, Air Oil and water Pipe Line, Workshop Machinery, and Testing Equipment.
3. TMT Bar Manufacturing Process
8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 16 mm 20 mm 25 mm 32 mm 40 mm TMT bars have the maximum demand in the market. You must produce the materials in accordance with IS: 1786 – 2008, in Fe 415, Fe 500, Fe 415D, Fe 500D, and Fe 550 grades.
First of all, you must design the reinforcement bar rolling for the production of the assured quality product only. The mill will have a sequence mix of Roughing, Intermediate, and Continuous Mills for quality measurements. Because of this progressive reduction process, you can produce bars with uniform size and mechanical properties all along the length of the product.
The TMT bars are then subjected to heat treatment in three successive stages, through the International Process. In the first stage, Quenching starts with the hot roll bar leaving the final stand and immediately being quenched by a special Water Spraying System. The process results in the formation of “Martensite” on the outer surface of the bar while the core remains austenitic. In
In the next step, the bar leaves the water quenching line and is exposed to air. The heat flux from the still-hot core reheats the outer surface of the structure. The Martensite formed in the first stage is thus subject to tempering giving a structure called “Tempered Martensite” which is strong and tough. The core 15. 15 is still austenitic at this stage.
The third and final stage of “Atmospheric cooling” takes place on the cooling bed. The final structure, thus, consists of a combination of a strong outer layer of tempered martensite and a ductile core of ferrite-pearlite. The rebar shall be produced in the range of 8 mm to 40 mm in diameter.
4. Buy Raw Materials
The raw materials required for the production of the proposed products are MS Ingots and Billets.
Steel plays an important role in the development of mankind in the nation. Today, it is difficult to imagine a world without steel. Steel has become vital to our everyday life. It is at the root of the quality of life that each of us enjoys today, helping to shelter us, feed us, and facilitate both our working day and leisure activities.
In addition, we depend on steel for almost everything from our houses and buildings, the cars we drive, roads, bridges, agricultural equipment, and machines, the list is endless. With a huge expanding domestic and export market for steel, TMT bar manufacturing is definitely a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs.
5. Cost of Starting a Mini TMT Bar Rolling Mill Plant
The cost will largely depend on the size and the production output. The price of a machine for manufacturing TMT bars with a production capacity of 5 tons per hour will be around Rs. 8 lacs to 12 lacs. The total cost of a small-scale mini TMT bar rolling plant is in the range of Rs. 25 lacs to Rs. 50 Lacs.