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Top 10 Profitable Agri Clinic Business Ideas

The primary objective of an Agri clinic business is to provide paid services for the enhancement of agriculture production and the income of farmers. In this article, we put a list of 10 legitimate and profitable ways to start an Agri clinic business.

Agriculture is the most lucrative sector worldwide. India ranks second worldwide in farm output. In addition, agriculture is demographically the broadest economic sector. And it plays a significant role in the overall economic health of any country.

List of 10 Profitable Agri Clinic Business Ideas

#1. Agricultural Equipment Maintenance & Renting

Agricultural equipment includes a wide range of items. It includes tractors, tillers, seed-sowing machinery, and numerous small tools. However, before starting you must analyze the local market demand for the specific product. This type of business is a very successful model in the rural areas of our country.

#2. Bee Keeping/Apiaries

Beekeeping or apiaries are the major sources of natural honey. In addition, they also help in pollination. The business demands a very small capital investment. Apart from honey, you can also sell bee wax. In various cases, farmers are ready to pay for your apiaries to help them in pollination.

#3. Biofertilizer Production

Biofertilizer contains living organisms. However, the Indian fertilizer industry is highly regulated. And you can establish a biofertilizer production unit according to the Govt. rules. This is also a great opportunity for biotechnology professionals. Read More…

#4. Consultancy Service

This is the most profitable opportunity in this segment. The farmers of our country always look for honest and non-biased advice for the betterment of their crops. However, there are very few organizations in this field. Broadly you can provide advice on fertilizer, nutrients, irrigation, seed variety, plant protection, harvesting, and post-harvest management system.

#5. Feed Processing and Testing Unit

The success of livestock farming hugely depends on good quality nutritious feeds at a competitive price. In addition, farmers also look for a testing center to test the feeds they procure from the market. You can establish a feed processing and testing unit with moderate capital investment. Read More…

#6. Fish Hatchery

The fish hatchery is a hugely profitable business in India. However, it demands skill and knowledge. And the business also demands adequate space for operation with waterbodies. Select the right species according to market demand.

#7. Plant Protection Service Centre

This type of service includes pest surveillance, diagnostic and control services including integrated pest management. Furthermore, you can offer both services and products both. However, you must apply for permission to offer pesticides, insecticides, or fungicides to the farmers.

#8. Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory

This is another profitable business for biotechnology students. Plant tissue culture is a profitable business. In addition, it doesn’t demand a large space for operation. However, you must provide laboratory infrastructure for setting up the business.

#9. Seed Processing Unit

The seed processing unit is an important sector of the Agri clinic business. However, you will need to install good-quality seed processing machinery for the operation. In addition, you can run this type of os unit in two ways. You can procure seed and process it for selling. In another way, you can provide the processing service to the other seed growers.

#10. Soil, Water Quality & Input Testing Laboratory

Soil and water analysis plays an important role in crop yield. So, farmers always look for good quality soil testing centers. However, a well-equipped unit demands substantial capital in laboratory equipment investment.

Apart from the individual setup, you can also establish an Agri clinic that provides multiple services. And definitely, it will generate more profits.

About Next What Business Research Team

The Editorial Staffs at NextWhatBusiness is a team of Business Consultants with years of experience in small and medium-scale manufacturing and service-based businesses.

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