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Top 10 Best Online Videography Courses for Beginners

Do you want to learn videography and start a videography business? Find here the best online videography courses for beginners. These courses include video production, video editing Adobe Premiere filmmaking, videography, cinematography, color grading, and DSLR documentary filmmaking.

Videography plays a very important role in the entertainment industry. If you are keen on making a career in videography, you must be always in a learning mode to learn new techniques and trends.

10 Online Videography Courses

#1. Cinematography Masterclass: The Complete Videography Guide

this is an image of a udemy photography online course

If you are looking forward to learning videography from scratch, then this course should be your first choice. Julian Melanson, the course creator teaches a step-by-step process to shoot eye-catching videos easily. Furthermore, here you will learn different types of production from business & marketing videos, and music videos to documentaries, and feature films.

This popular course recommended by big companies like Netflix, Nasdaq, and Eventbrite will provide first-hand experience in video shooting, camera settings, recording sound audio, and much more. Enrol Here

2. iPhone Filmmaking: Create Cinematic Video With Your Phone

Are you eager to unleash your creativity and produce cinematic videos using just your iPhone? Caleb Babcock and Niles Grey’s Skillshare course, “iPhone Filmmaking: Create Cinematic Video With Your Phone,” might be the perfect guide for you. Here’s a comprehensive review to help you decide if this course is the right fit for your filmmaking journey.

The course is designed for beginners and intermediate filmmakers who want to harness the power of their iPhones to create visually stunning videos. Caleb and Niles, both seasoned filmmakers, bring a wealth of experience to the table, promising to transform your smartphone into a cinematic tool. Enrol Here

#3. Complete Filmmaker Guide

This course consists of everything from pre-production to editing. After completion of this course, you can create your incredible videos from scratch with a brand-new understanding of filmmaking.

This filmmaking course covers all the creative aspects of planning, shooting, and editing an incredible video. If you are a beginner, Youtuber, or filmmaker looking to successfully create awesome videos, then this course is made for you. Enrol Here

#4. Cinematography Course

This online Cinematography Course will teach you how to shoot beautiful videos with any camera. This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of professional cinematography – the art of making motion pictures.

While there are plenty of video courses, it’s hard to find a comprehensive course that teaches you everything you’d want to know about shooting video. Additionally, you will learn how to expose your videos properly, including learning the different styles of exposure styles of commercial, TV, and narrative filmmaking. Enrol Here

#5. Start Your Filmmaking Career

This is an all-encompassing guide for making an independent feature-length movie. By the end of this course, you will have the information you need to successfully make a feature film that you can distribute around the globe to be seen by possibly millions of people.

The course consists of the basics of screenwriting. Additionally, you will get basic film editing instructions and concepts, along with tips to make the editing easier. Enrol Here

#6. Colour Grading with Da Vinci

This course is designed to show you what goes into making a cinematic colour grade for your film and how to better tell your story through colour grading. Additionally, you will learn about the theory of colour grading and tools to help to grade.

Also, you will learn how to shoot so your footage has the best starting point, and how to color correct. Additionally, how to colour grade, what your workflow is, and most importantly tons of examples. One of the best ways you can make your films stand out and look more professional is the colour grade. Enrol Here

#7. DSLR Video Production

With today’s DSLR and mirrorless cameras, you can shoot beautiful HD videos like never before. This is the perfect course for you if you want to jump into DSLR Video Production.

This online DSLR Video course will teach you how to shoot amazing videos with your DSLR camera. This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of video production, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help create videos that help you stand out from the crowd.

Whether you prefer shooting a documentary, corporate, commercial, narrative, or music video, you must know how to compose a shot, light it, and edit it. By honing these skills, you can turn your passion into a successful videography career. Enrol Here

#8. Documentary Filmmaking

This highly-rated course consists of a series of videos with details of what is being taught as written summaries. The documentary is run, and as the story unfolds, the director/producer goes through all the thoughts, processes, equipment, and creative processes used. This is a real-life event, valuable to those who both shoot and edit stories on video.

As every scene is covered, the shooting techniques, editing ideas, and storytelling methods are revealed. This is an actual documentary, so what is taught is not just theory— it has become fact, and you can see the results for yourself. Enrol Here

#9. Hollywood Filmmaking & Television Directing Masterclass

Want to learn how great directors create award-winning films? Want to learn how to become a working Hollywood director in Television or Film?

In this online course, you’ll learn When to Move the Camera in your next film and video production. The key here is that camera movement must be invisible. It should serve the story without calling attention to itself.

Next, learn How To Move the Camera most effectively by systematically fulfilling Five Tasks when designing each moving master shot. Finally, learn how a master of visual design like Zemeckis customizes his application of these Five Tasks to the unique demands of each scene. Enrol Here

#10. Video Production Bootcamp

Making great videos is not some great secret that no one is willing to share. The trouble is, that most video courses on the net are presented by filmmakers making wedding videos and low-budget music videos or their own YouTube channel. Very few are broadcast professionals. The proof is that most courses focus primarily on equipment, which requires limited creative insight.

During this course, you will learn what is needed to tell a story on video while informing and entertaining the viewer, no matter who they are. You will learn the important elements that make up a story, the effect of the visual elements, and the importance and effect of the audio track. Enrol Here

Best Online Platforms to Learn Videography

a) Udemy

Udemy is a treasure trove of videography courses catering to all skill levels. From beginner-friendly tutorials on mastering your camera to advanced cinematography techniques, Udemy’s vast library ensures there’s something for everyone.

b) Skillshare

Skillshare is a community-driven platform, ideal for those who enjoy interactive learning. Courses cover a spectrum of videography aspects, including scriptwriting, editing with software like Adobe Premiere Pro, and even mastering smartphone videography.

c) Coursera

For those seeking a more academic approach, Coursera partners with universities and institutions to provide in-depth videography courses. Specializations like the “Creative Problem Solving” offered by the University of Minnesota can take your videography skills to a conceptual and strategic level.

d) MasterClass

MasterClass stands out by offering courses taught by renowned experts. Join Oscar-winning filmmaker Martin Scorsese as he unveils the art of storytelling in filmmaking. While MasterClass is a premium platform, the insights and experiences shared by industry legends make it an invaluable investment.

e) YouTube

YouTube isn’t just for cat videos; it’s a goldmine of free videography tutorials. Channels like Peter McKinnon and Film Riot provide a wealth of knowledge for free. While not structured as traditional courses, these tutorials cover everything from camera gear reviews to advanced cinematography techniques.

f) LinkedIn Learning

Formerly known as Lynda, LinkedIn Learning offers expert-led videography courses. The platform provides a unique advantage with courses often developed by professionals directly working in the industry. Dive into topics such as storytelling through video, advanced editing techniques, and industry-specific insights.

g) MZed

MZed offers immersive courses taught by industry leaders. With a focus on storytelling, cinematography, and post-production, MZed provides a structured learning path. Courses like “Directing Color with Ollie Kenchington” are highly regarded for their depth and practical insights.

What are the advantages of Taking Videography Courses Online?

The advent of online education has revolutionized the way individuals acquire new skills, and videography is no exception. Enrolling in online videography courses comes with several advantages:


One of the primary benefits of online videography courses is flexibility. Learners can access course materials and tutorials at their convenience, allowing them to balance learning with work or other commitments.

⇒ Access to Expert Instructors

Online platforms often feature courses taught by industry professionals and seasoned videographers. This access to expert knowledge provides valuable insights and tips that might be challenging to obtain through traditional learning.

⇒ Cost-Effectiveness

Many online videography courses are more affordable than traditional courses or workshops. This affordability ensures that learning valuable skills doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag.

⇒ Diverse Learning Resources

Online courses often incorporate diverse learning resources such as video tutorials, written materials, assignments, and quizzes. This multifaceted approach caters to different learning styles, enhancing the overall learning experience.

⇒ Practical Assignments

Most online videography courses include practical assignments or projects. This hands-on approach allows learners to apply theoretical concepts in real-world scenarios, reinforcing their understanding of the subject matter.

⇒ Self-Paced Learning

Online courses are typically designed to accommodate different learning speeds. Individuals can progress through the material at their own pace, ensuring a more personalized learning experience.

⇒ Variety of Topics

Online platforms offer a wide array of videography courses covering various topics such as filmmaking, video editing, cinematography, and vlogging. This variety enables learners to tailor their education to their specific interests.

⇒ Networking Opportunities

Online videography courses often include discussion forums or community spaces where learners can interact with instructors and fellow students. This creates networking opportunities and allows for the exchange of ideas and feedback.

⇒ Updated Content

Videography is a field that constantly evolves with technological advancements. Online courses are regularly updated to reflect the latest trends, tools, and techniques, ensuring that learners receive current and relevant information.

⇒ Accessibility

Online courses eliminate geographical barriers, enabling individuals from different parts of the world to access high-quality videography education. This global accessibility broadens perspectives and exposes learners to diverse creative approaches.

⇒ Immediate Application

As online courses often focus on practical aspects, learners can immediately apply the skills they acquire. This immediacy contributes to a more engaging and rewarding learning experience.

Factors to Consider While Buying Online Videography Courses?

To ensure that you make the most out of your investment, consider the following factors when buying online videography courses:

→ Course Content

Evaluate the course curriculum to ensure it covers the specific aspects of videography you want to learn. Look for courses that provide a comprehensive understanding of relevant topics such as camera operation, editing software, storytelling techniques, and industry trends.

→ Instructor Credentials

Research the background and expertise of the instructors. Ideally, the course should be taught by industry professionals or experts with a proven track record in videography. Check for their experience, previous work, and any accolades they may have received.

→ Reviews and Ratings

Read reviews and ratings from previous students. Platforms offering online courses often feature feedback from learners who have completed the course. This feedback provides insights into the course’s effectiveness, the quality of instruction, and whether it meets expectations.

→ Course Format

Consider the format of the course. Some courses may be entirely self-paced, allowing you to learn at your speed. Others may have structured schedules with set deadlines for assignments. Choose a format that aligns with your preferred learning style and availability.

→ Practical Exercises

Look for courses that include practical exercises or projects. Videography is a skill best learned through hands-on experience. Courses that provide opportunities for practical application enhance your ability to implement what you’ve learned.

→ Industry Relevance

Ensure that the course content is up-to-date and relevant to current industry standards. Videography is a field that evolves with technology, so the course must reflect the latest tools, techniques, and trends.

→ Access to Resources

Check whether the course provides additional resources such as downloadable materials, video tutorials, or recommended reading. Access to supplementary resources enhances the depth of your learning experience.

→ Cost and Value for Money

Evaluate the cost of the course about the value it offers. While affordability is crucial, prioritize courses that provide good value for money in terms of the knowledge and skills gained.

→ Community and Support

Investigate whether the course offers a community or support system. Online forums or discussion groups can be valuable for networking, sharing insights, and seeking advice. Additionally, having access to instructors for clarifications is beneficial.

→ Certification

Check if the course provides a certification upon completion. While certification may not be mandatory, it can add credibility to your skills, especially if the course is recognized in the industry.

→ Free Trials or Samples

Many platforms offer free trials or sample lessons. Take advantage of these to assess the course structure, teaching style, and whether it aligns with your learning goals before committing to the full course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are online videography courses suitable for beginners?

Yes, many online platforms offer courses specifically designed for beginners. Look for courses that cover fundamental concepts and gradually progress to more advanced topics.

How much do online videography courses cost?

The cost varies widely. Platforms like YouTube offer free content, while premium platforms like MasterClass and MZed may have individual course fees or subscription models. Udemy and Skillshare often have affordable one-time course fees.

Can I learn videography without expensive equipment?

Absolutely. Many courses emphasize the importance of storytelling and technique, allowing you to practice with basic equipment like a smartphone before investing in professional gear.

Do these courses provide certificates?

Yes, several platforms offer certificates of completion. Platforms like Udemy and LinkedIn Learning provide certificates that you can add to your LinkedIn profile or resume.

How long does it take to complete an online videography course?

The duration varies. Short courses may take a few hours, while more comprehensive ones may span several weeks. The advantage of online learning is that you can pace yourself according to your schedule.

Are these courses interactive, allowing for hands-on practice?

Yes, many courses encourage hands-on practice. Platforms like Skillshare often include projects that you can work on and receive feedback from both the instructor and the community.

Can I access the courses on mobile devices?

Most platforms offer mobile compatibility. You can watch tutorials and complete assignments on your smartphone or tablet, providing flexibility in your learning.

Are there specific courses for different types of videography, like filmmaking or vlogging?

Yes, many platforms categorize courses based on the type of videography. You can find courses on filmmaking, vlogging, documentary production, and more.

How do I choose the right course for my needs?

Consider your skill level, the specific aspects of videography you want to learn, and your preferred learning style. Read course descriptions, reviews, and instructor profiles to make an informed decision.

Can I interact with instructors and other students during the course?

Yes, many platforms include discussion forums or Q&A sections where you can interact with both the instructor and other students. This collaborative environment enhances the learning experience.

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