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How to Raise Funds for Startups in India – Complete Guide

Starting a business can be an exciting journey. However, one of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face is raising the necessary funds. In India, several options are available for startups to secure the capital they need to get their business off the ground. From traditional bank loans to innovative crowdfunding platforms, here are some effective ways to raise funds for startups in India.

14 Ways to Raise Funds for Startups in India

1. Bootstrapping

Bootstrapping, also known as self-funding, is one of the most common ways entrepreneurs finance their startups. It involves using personal savings or funds from friends and family to cover initial expenses. While bootstrapping means less dependence on external sources, it requires careful financial planning and may limit the scale of the business initially.

2. Angel Investors

Angel investors are affluent individuals who provide capital to startups in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt. In India, there are several angel investor networks and groups that actively seek investment opportunities in promising startups. Some popular angel investor platforms include Indian Angel Network, Mumbai Angels, and LetsVenture.

3. Venture Capital (VC) Funding

Venture capital firms invest in startups and early-stage companies that have the potential for rapid growth and significant returns on investment. In India, the venture capital ecosystem is robust, with several firms specializing in different sectors. Startups can pitch their business ideas to venture capital firms and secure funding in exchange for equity. Some prominent venture capital firms in India include Sequoia Capital, Accel Partners, and Nexus Venture Partners.

4. Bank Loans

Traditional bank loans are another option for startups to raise funds. Banks offer various loan schemes tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Government of India also launched the Startup India Scheme, providing loans to startups with innovative business ideas. However, securing a bank loan can be challenging for startups, as banks often require collateral and have strict eligibility criteria.

5. Government Schemes and Grants

The Government of India has introduced several schemes and initiatives to support startups and foster entrepreneurship. Some of the popular finding schemes that Startups can benefit from are listed below;

  • Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana.
  • Startup India Initiative.
  • Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Program.
  • Stand-Up India.
  • Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE).

Additionally, various state governments offer grants, subsidies, and incentives to promote startups in their respective states.

6. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding platforms enable startups to raise funds from a large number of individuals who believe in their business idea. There are different types of crowdfunding, including donation-based, reward-based, and equity-based crowdfunding. In India, platforms like Ketto, Wishberry, and FuelADream provide opportunities for startups to showcase their projects and attract funding from the crowd.

7. Incubators and Accelerators

Incubators and accelerators are great ways of raising funds for startups. They provide funding, mentorship, and resources to early-stage startups. In exchange, they take equity in the startup. These programs offer invaluable support and guidance to startups, helping them refine their business models, develop their products, and scale their businesses. Some well-known incubators and accelerators in India include Y Combinator, Techstars, and 500 Startups.

8. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending

Peer-to-peer lending platforms connect borrowers with individual lenders willing to provide loans at mutually agreed-upon interest rates. P2P lending offers an alternative to traditional banking systems and can be a viable option for startups to raise funds. In India, P2P lending platforms such as Faircent and Lendbox provide peer-to-peer lending services to startups and small businesses.

9. Strategic Partnerships and Joint Ventures

Strategic partnerships and joint ventures can provide startups with the financial support and resources needed to grow their business. By partnering with established companies or industry leaders, startups can gain access to funding, technology, distribution channels, and market expertise. Collaborating with strategic partners can also help startups build credibility and expand their customer base.

10. Corporate and Business Competitions

Many corporations and organizations host business competitions and startup challenges offering cash prizes, funding, and mentorship opportunities to winning startups. Participating in these competitions not only provides startups with funding but also valuable exposure and networking opportunities. Keep an eye out for competitions like the NASSCOM 10,000 Startups, Economic Times Power of Ideas, and TiE’s The India Internet Day.

11. Microfinance Institutions

Microfinance institutions provide small loans and financial services to individuals and small businesses that lack access to traditional banking services. Startups can explore the option of microfinance to secure the necessary funds for their business operations.

12. Family and Friends Funding

Another common way to raise funds for startups is through funding from family and friends. This method involves borrowing money from close acquaintances who believe in the startup’s business idea and are willing to provide financial support.

13. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)

For startups in the tech and blockchain space, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) can be a viable fundraising option. In an ICO, startups issue digital tokens or coins to investors in exchange for funding. Startups can use ICOs to raise capital quickly, bypassing traditional venture capital funding.

14. Business Incubation Programs

Business incubation programs provide startups with physical workspace, infrastructure, and support services to help them grow and develop. These programs often offer access to funding, mentorship, networking opportunities, and other resources that can be invaluable to startups in their early stages.

Startup Stages to Raise Funds

Raising funds is a critical aspect of starting and growing a startup. Depending on the stage your startup is in, there are different avenues you can explore to secure the necessary capital. Here are the various startup stages and the corresponding funding options:

Idea Stage:

  • Bootstrapping: Bootstrapping, or self-funding, is the most common way to finance an idea-stage startup. This involves using personal savings or funds from friends and family to cover initial expenses.

Prototype Stage:

  • Bootstrapping: Continue to rely on bootstrapping, using personal funds and resources to develop the prototype.
  • Crowdfunding: Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo can help raise funds from the public to develop the prototype.


  • Angel Investors: Angel investors are affluent individuals who provide capital to startups in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt. Angel investors are more likely to invest in startups with a working prototype and a clear path to market.
  • Venture Capital (VC) Funding: Venture capital firms invest in startups and early-stage companies that have the potential for rapid growth and significant returns on investment. In this stage, venture capital can be sought to help scale the business.

Growth Stage:

  • Venture Capital (VC) Funding: At this stage, venture capital funding becomes more prevalent to help scale the business. The focus is on expanding the customer base and increasing revenue.
  • Bank Loans: Banks offer various loan schemes tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Government startup schemes like the Startup India Scheme can provide loans to startups.

Maturity Stage:

  • Private Equity: Private equity is capital that is not listed on a public exchange. It is composed of funds and investors that directly invest in private companies or that engage in buyouts of public companies resulting in a delisting of public equity.
  • IPO (Initial Public Offering): An initial public offering (IPO) is when a private company or corporation raises investment capital by offering its stock to the public for the first time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best funding option for a startup in India?

The best funding option for a startup depends on various factors such as the nature of the business, the industry, and the growth stage of the startup. Some common funding options include bootstrapping, angel investment, venture capital, and crowdfunding.

How do I approach angel investors for funding?

To approach angel investors for funding, startups should have a well-defined business plan, a compelling pitch deck, and a clear value proposition. Networking at startup events, joining online platforms, and seeking referrals from other entrepreneurs can also help in getting noticed by angel investors.

What are the eligibility criteria for a startup to apply for a bank loan under the Startup India Scheme?

To apply for a bank loan under the Startup India Scheme, the startup must be recognized and certified by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT). Additionally, the startup should have an innovative business idea with the potential for scalable growth.

How does equity-based crowdfunding work?

In equity-based crowdfunding, startups offer equity shares in their company to investors in exchange for funding. Investors become shareholders in the startup and have the potential to earn returns on their investment if the company succeeds.

What is the role of incubators and accelerators in supporting startups?

Incubators and accelerators provide startups with funding, mentorship, and resources to help them grow and scale their businesses. They offer guidance, networking opportunities, and access to potential investors, helping startups navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and achieve success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to raise funds for a startup in India?

The best way to raise funds for a startup in India depends on the stage of the startup. Initially, bootstrapping or seeking funds from friends and family is common. As the startup grows, options like angel investment, venture capital, and government schemes become viable.

How do I attract angel investors for my startup?

To attract angel investors, you need a compelling business idea, a strong team, and a well-thought-out business plan. Attend networking events, pitch competitions, and use online platforms to connect with potential angel investors.

What is the difference between angel investors and venture capitalists?

Angel investors are affluent individuals who provide capital to startups in exchange for equity. Venture capitalists are firms that invest in startups and early-stage companies with the potential for rapid growth.

How can I raise funds from venture capitalists in India?

To raise funds from venture capitalists in India, you need to have a solid business plan, a working prototype, and a clear path to market. Networking, attending startup events, and leveraging connections can help you get noticed by venture capitalists.

What government schemes are available to support startups in India?

The Government of India has introduced several schemes and initiatives to support startups, such as the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana, Stand-Up India, and the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE).

How can I secure a bank loan for my startup in India?

To secure a bank loan for your startup in India, you need to have a well-documented business plan, collateral, and a good credit history. Explore government startup schemes like the Startup India Scheme, which can provide loans to startups.

What is the process of crowdfunding in India?

Crowdfunding in India involves raising funds from a large number of people through online platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. To start a crowdfunding campaign, you need to create a compelling pitch and offer rewards or equity in return for investment.

What are the advantages of raising funds through private equity?

Private equity provides capital to businesses in exchange for an ownership stake. The advantages include access to capital, industry expertise, and the potential for growth and expansion.

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The Editorial Staffs at NextWhatBusiness is a team of Business Consultants with years of experience in small and medium-scale manufacturing and service-based businesses.