4 Different Classes of Seeds with Registered Seed Tag Color

For starting a successful agriculture or farming business, you must know the different classes of seeds. Basically, seeds are the primary agricultural inputs. Here in this article, you will learn about 4 different types of seed classes that are common. Also, the article includes the different registered seed tag colors for different seed classes.
Basically, the seed is a mature integument megasporangium or mature ovule. Also, it consists of embryonic plants together which store food material covered by a protective coat. Also, you can call it the ovary of the carpel that contains ovules.
Selecting the right seed is highly crucial in any type of farming activity. In addition to that, the good quality developed seeds ensure a higher yield and fewer disease or pest attacks. Because good quality seeds always come with a better immunity system.
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List of 4 Different Classes of Seeds
Generally, there are 4 different types of seeds available for crop production. These are the Nuclear seed, Breeder seed, Foundation seed, and Certified seed.
#1. Nucleus Seed
Simply, the nucleus seed is a genetic cent percent pure seed. Basically, it is the initial amount of pure seed of improved variety. Generally, the nuclear seed doesn’t contain other physical impurities. When a seed is produced strictly under isolation so as to avoid both genetic and physical contamination is called a nuclear seed.
#2. Breeder seed
Actually, it’s the progeny of the nucleus seed. Generally, breeder seed is produced in one stage. But if there is greater demand for breeder seed and there is a low seed multiplication ratio then breeder seed can be produced in two stages, viz Breeder stage I and II.
In such cases breeder seed, stage I becomes the source for breeder Stage II. This is also a hundred percent physical and genetic pure seed for the production of foundation seed.
#3. Foundation seed
Actually, it is the progeny of the breeder seed. Generally, it can be produced in two stages viz. Stage I and Stage II. The farms of State Agricultural departments, universities, Taluka Seeds Farms, other Govt. farms, State Seeds Corporations, and Private seed companies produce this seed.
Generally, foundation seed plots need registration for certification with a state seed certification agency. They are jointly inspected by a team consisting of the Divisional Seed Certification Officer, concerned crop breeder, and District Seed Certification Officer when the foundation seed meets minimum seed certification standards including field tests.
After the certification, as foundation seed and after processing and testing of seed completed bags are tagged with white-colored tags and labeled together. Generally, the sealed bags come with a lead seal size of foundation tag of 15 X 7.5
#4. Certified seed or Registered Seed
Generally, the registered seed or certified seed is a progeny of foundation seed produced by progressive formers or registered seed growers. However, they need to produce it according to technical advice and supervision provided by NSC.
Additionally, the representative of seed certification agencies from the DSCO office will inspect regularly. The registered seed is genetically pure. It is labeled with a purple color tag.
Registered Seed Tag Color for Different Classes of Seeds
Generally, the different classes of seeds come with different seed tag colors. And one can easily identify the classes of the seeds after checking the tag color. Breeder seeds come with a golden yellow color tag. And the foundation seeds come with a white color tag. And the certified seeds come with an azure blue color tag.
Through proper growing and processing, you can produce foundation and certified seeds for selling on the open market. In addition to that, one can also provide the seed processing service by establishing a seed processing unit.
Generally, seed certification is the only process to maintain and make available the seed to the public. Actually, through certification, high-quality seeds and propagating materials of notified kinds and varieties are so grown and distributed to insure genetic identity and genetic purity.
We hope, this article will help you in understanding the different classes of seeds and the registered seed tag color.